Our Story

About us We are Shopify users ourselves, and we were frustrated with the limited features the apps on Shopify provide, which are either customizable to our business needs or too expensive for what it is, so we decided to step up and create our own apps to help people like us grow their businesses. Our apps are tailored to store owner needs and are customizable as the business grows. We develop solutions that are absolutely imposing and help businesses in transitioning to a more sustainable future. We concentrate on fusing and mastering the newest techniques and technology to keep you ahead of the competition.

Our Vision Our vision acts as the foundation for our Roadmap and directs us in every way on challenging levels. To provide you with the best app solutions, we value technological innovation and change adaptation.

Our culture Our culture was built on the foundations of association, trust, integrity, and transparency. We become one of the most creative, admired, and desirable places to work.


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Countriy Users

Building the
Work Ecosystem

Connect your store with the social media tools that you use to get the job done. With over 1,500 apps and a robust API, our platform team works with partners and developers globally to build apps and integrations that streamline your business, automate mundane tasks and bring customers into your online store.

Our Work Culture Company’s

Like Steve Jobs quotes, “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works”. We always try to make a great output by this culture:

  • Continuous Development
  • Communication is the Key
  • Hungry for Explorations
  • Weekly Evaluation
  • Teamwork Always
  • Update for the Trend